I will build in some general sql functions to next version of [[tkSQLiteGUI]].~
Here is the list of the functions. You can blild in these functions to your database freely. 
NOTE: This is under developed, so these may be changed.

*** How to build in the functions to your db [#eaf68944]
 package require sqlite3
 source sqlitefunc.tcl
 sqlite db :memory:
 foreach cmd [info command Sqlite::func::*] {
     db function [namespace tail $cmd] $cmd
 % db eval {SELECT MD5('md5 test')}

*** Download [#n5ef0eb9]

***String Format Functions [#fa4b0f08]
|ascii(char)                 |return ascii code                  |  
|char(code)                  |return char from ascii code        |  
|concat(arg ?, arg ...?)     |join args                          |  
|concat_ws(sep, arg ?, arg?) |join args with sep                 |  
|elt(n, arg ?, arg ...?)     |MySQL's elt. return n              |  
|hex(n)                      |return hex value.                  |  
|insert(s, pos, len, ns)     |                                   |  
|instr(str, sstr, ?st? ?n?)  |                                   |  
|left(str, n)                |                                   |  
|length(str)                 |SQLite Built-in                    |  
|locate(sstr, str, pos)      |                                   |  
|lower(str)                  |SQLite Built-in                    |  
|lpad(str, len ?, pad?)      |                                   |  
|ltrim(str ?, chars?)        |trimleft chars(or space) from str  |  
|mid(str, pos, len)          |                                   |  
|position(sstr, in, str)     |                                   |  
|repeat(str, n)              |                                   |  
|replace(str, from, to)      |replace fromStr to toStr.          |  
|reverse(str)                |reverse string                     |  
 rpad(str, n ?, pad?)
 rtrim(str ?, chars?)
 translate(str, from, to)
 trim(str ?, chars?)
 to_char(num, fmt)
|right(str, n)               |                                   |  

*** Math Functions [#o12e785e]
|acos                   |exp         |radians                 |
|asin                   |floor       |rand                    |
|atan                   |greatest    |random(SQLite Built-in) |
|atan2                  |least       |round(SQLite Built-in)  |
|avg(SQLite Built-in)   |log         |sign                    |
|ceil                   |log10       |sin                     |
|cos                    |mod         |sqrt                    |
|cot                    |pi          |tan                     |
|degrees                |pow         |trunc                   |

*** Other Functions [#y6a88a8e]
|min               |SQLite Built-in |
|max               |SQLite Built-in |
|coalesce          |SQLite Built-in |
|nullif            |SQLite Built-in |
|ifnull            |SQLite Built-in |
|last_insert_rowid |SQLite Built-in |
|quote             |SQLite Built-in |  
|regexp            |                |  
|regsub            |                |  

*** Crypt, Hash, etc [#ed5062cd]
NOTE: requires Tcllib
|md5(data)                   |MD5                         |  
|md5_hmac(key, data)         |HMAC-MD5                    |  
|md5_crypt(pass, salt)       |BSD compatible MD5 crypt    |  
|apr_crypt(pass, salt)       |Apache compatible MD5 crypt |  
|sha1(data)                  |SHA1                        |  
|sha1_hmac(key, data)        |HMAC-SHA1                   |  
|aes_encrypt(key, data)      |ASE encryption              |  
|aes_decrypt(key, data)      |ASE decryption              |  
|blowfish_encrypt(key, data) |Blowfish encryption         |  
|blowfish_decrypt(key, data) |Blowfish decryption         |  
|des_encrypt(key, data)      |DES encryption              |  
|des_decrypt(key, data)      |DES decryption              |  
|base64_encode(data)         |Base64 encode               |  
|base64_decode(data)         |Base64 decode               |  
|uuid()                      |UUID                        |  

*** One Line Comment [#h4c6dd90]

[[CategoryTclTk]] [[tkSQLiteGUI]]

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