

--Tcl/Tk, Pythonの話題
-[[Photoshopプラグイン>CategoryPhotoshopPlugin]] [[Gimpプラグイン>CategoryGimpPlugin]]

**About this site
Main contents of this site are Tcl/Tk, Computer graphics programming, Pukiwiki wiki engine, or my private memorandum. This site is built using a wiki engine, but you are not allowed to create or edit pages, but welcome to post a comment.~
a language is mostly Japanese but some pages are written in [[English>CategoryEnglish]].
All pages list is [[List of pages:http://reddog.s35.xrea.com/wiki/index.php?cmd=list]].~
Categorized list is [[Top menu>#topmenu]].~
Search page is [[Search:http://reddog.s35.xrea.com/wiki/index.php?cmd=search]]~

**Top menu&aname(topmenu);
-[[Tcl/Tk>CategoryTclTk]], [[Python>CategoryPython]]
--Tcl/Tk, Python Programming
-[[Photoshop Plugin>CategoryPSPlugin]]
--Photoshop plugins written by me
--TIPS of Vim

**E-Mail [#vdc61b0e]

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