mlenc is a encoding conversion package using mlang.dll. It is similer to Tcl's encoding command. It requires mlang.dll which is included in InternetExplorer. 

***Sample [#h5149379]
 % package require mlenc
 % mlenc::encoding names
 1200 1201 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 20866 
 21866 28592 28593 28594 28595 28596 28597 28598 38598 50000 
 50001 50220 50221 50222 50225 50932 50949 51932 51949 52936
 65000 65001 708 720 852 862 866 874 932 936 949 950
 % set bin [mlenc::encoding convertto 51932 内田百閒]
 % puts [encoding convertfrom euc-jp $bin]
 % puts [mlenc::encoding convertfrom x-euc-jp $bin]
x-euc-jp is an alias name of 51932. And I trid to _autodetect to recognize an encoding of $bin, but It failed. I think that $bin is too short to be recognized. I also created the 51932 encoding, see [[cp51932.enc]].

***Speed [#x2ec8512]
Slow... Tcl's encoding command is far faster than mlenc...
 % set fp [open ~/test.txt r]
 % set str [read $fp]
 % string length $str
 % time {mlenc::encoding convertto 932 $str} 100
 10999.11 microseconds per iteration
 % time {encoding convertto cp932 $str} 100
 2312.25 microseconds per iteration

***License [#s4b5d16a]
BSD Style

***Download [#n4c80d59]
-win32 binary~
-source code~

***Comment [#g1d63afd]

[[CategoryTclTk]] [[CategoryEnglish]]

HTML convert time: 0.005 sec.