- The added line is THIS COLOR.
- The deleted line is THIS COLOR.
- Go to InterWikiName.
* InterWikiName [#bf2d416a]
[URL サーバ名] タイプ
** WikiEngines [#c3e04f1c]
-[https://wiki.c2.com/? WikiWikiWeb] raw WikiNameのみなのでraw
-[https://fswiki.osdn.jp/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi?page= FSWiki] euc
** PukiWiki [#j0d346fa]
// PukiWiki Official Main Site
-[https://pukiwiki.osdn.jp/? pukiwiki] utf8
// PukiWiki Developer Site
-[https://pukiwiki.osdn.jp/dev/? pukiwiki.dev] utf8
** Search Engine [#jaaa4e4c]
-[https://www.google.com/search?q=$1 Google] utf8
-[https://search.yahoo.co.jp/search?p=$1 Yahoo] utf8
-[https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/ WikiPedia] utf8
-[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ WikiPedia.en] utf8
-[https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ WikiPedia.ja] utf8
** 拡張InterWikiName [#q192ea38]
-[./?cmd=add&page= 新規]
-[./?cmd=add&page= New]
-[./?cmd=read&page= 参照]
-[./?cmd=read&page= View]
-[./?cmd=edit&page= 編集]
-[./?cmd=edit&page= Edit]
-[./?cmd=search2&q=$1 検索]
-[./?cmd=search2&q=$1 Search]
*** その他 [#b69e2eec]
-[http://docs.tdiary.org/users/? tDiaryUsers] euc
HTML convert time: 0.002 sec.