***What is cp51932.enc [#hd414182]
Codepage ''51932'' is a superset of euc-jp. The encoding is called as a euc-jp on Windows. BUT it is not same as a encoding called "euc-jp" on unix. 51932 has a little more code sets of Kanji(Chinese character) and special symbols than euc-jp on unix. The 51932 is designed to interconversion between cp51932 and cp932 by Microsoft. InternetExplorer, Firefox, Hidemaru(famous japanese text editor) are using the 51932 called it as a "euc-jp". Tcl's euc-jp has basic code set only. So we should use 51932 to convert web page written by euc-jp. The next figure is a code set of 51932.

|~|CENTER:1st byte|CENTER:2nd byte|~|
|JIS X 0201 Latin    |0x00 - 0x7F    |CENTER:---     |U+0000 - U+007F|
|JIS X 0201 Katakana |0x8E           |0xA1 - 0xDF    |U+FF61 - U+FF9F|
|JIS X 0208:1997     |0xA1 - 0xA8    |0xA1 - 0xFE    |convert by a table|
|~|0xB0 - 0xF4|~|~|
|NEC special characters|0xAD|~|~|
|NEC selection of IBM extensions|0xF9 - 0xFC|~|~|

Tcl's euc-jp encoding doen't have NEC special characters and NEC selection of IBM extensions.
Next tables shows these all characters.

NEC special characters
,    , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
,ADD0,㎜,㎝,㎞,㎎,㎏,㏄,㎡, , , , , , , , ,㍻
,ADF0,≒,≡,∫,∮,∑,√,⊥,∠,∟,⊿,∵,∩,∪, , , 
NEC selection of IBM extensions
,    , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
,    , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
,    , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
,    , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
,FCF0, ,ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ,ⅳ,ⅴ,ⅵ,ⅶ,ⅷ,ⅸ,ⅹ,¬,¦,',", 
I used mlang.dll to mapping code sets. And I found a difference of mapping between 51932 and euc-jp. Unicode(Tcl internal) to 51932/euc-jp Mappings doesn't have problem. But this 51932 or euc-jp to unicode mapping may make a bit trouble. You should remember this difference if you will use 51932 instead of euc-jp.
I used mlang.dll to mapping code sets (by using [[mlenc]]). And I found a difference of mapping between 51932 and euc-jp. Unicode(Tcl internal) to 51932/euc-jp Mappings doesn't have problem. But this 51932 or euc-jp to unicode mapping may make a bit trouble. You should remember this difference if you will use 51932 instead of euc-jp.

By the way...~
I tried to make ''eucJP-ms'' encoding file too. The encoding is also called as eucJP-open. And It's aim is same as the cp51932. (Interconversion between euc-jp and cp932). It is also superset of euc-jp. It was designed by TOG/JVC CDE/Motif Technical WG. The encoding was supported by MySQL for several years. The encoding is used by MySQL, PostgreSQL and some unix applications.~
If Tcl had this encoding, it is more convenient. But I couldn't make the encoding file. Because the encoding conversion system of Tcl doesn't support 3byte input.

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HTML convert time: 0.003 sec.