tclhpdf is a Tcl interface to [[Haru Free PDF Libray:http://libharu.sourceforge.net/]].
tclhpdf is written in C and using TEA build system. So it may work with many platforms.
I tested it on Windows2000 and tcl8.4/8.5.
*** Features [#k17ae943]
+ Generating PDF files with lines, text, images.
+ Outline, text annotation, link annotation.
+ Compressing document with deflate-decode.
+ Embedding PNG, Jpeg images.
+ Embedding Type1 font and TrueType font.
+ Creating encrypted PDF files.
+ Using various character set (ISO8859-1~16, MSCP1250~8, KOI-8R).
+ Supporting CJK fonts and encodings.
***License [#h32c3d5c]
-Haru Free PDF Library license is simillar to zlib and libpng's one.
-tclhpdf license is BSD license.
***Version History [#wa7cd195]
- 2007-09-23~
First release 0.1.
***Download [#y94bbbc3]
- source~
- win32 binary (static link with required libraries)~
***How to Use [#afdeeaf3]
package require Hpdf
set pdf [hpdf::new]
set font [$pdf getFont "Helvetica"]
set page [$pdf addPage]
$page setSize b5 landscape
$page setFontAndSize $font 64
$page beginText
$page textOut 50 [expr [$page getHeight] - 80] "HELLO WORLD"
$page endText
$pdf saveToFile test.pdf
see also demo files...
***Comment [#ba8a66c7]
-does tclhpdf deal with converting postscript file to pdf ? -- andrea &new{2009-10-06 19:07:47};
--No, it doesnt. -- reddog &new{2009-10-07 22:26:47};
-Thanks for your efforts. This is something I have been looking for, a library I can generate pdf files with under OpenACS -- Michael Marti &new{2009-12-24 22:31:40};
-Wondering if anyone got "skipping incompatible /usr/local/aolserver40r10-tcl8419/lib/libtclstub8.4.a when searching for -ltclstub8.4" error. Wondering if this is because I'm running on a 64-bit machine? -- jonathan &new{2011-09-15 02:43:09};
-Thank you very much. this is very useful. -- ihmin &new{2011-09-29 11:23:14};
-キャンバスのpdf化に使わせていただきました -- &new{2015-12-08 16:14:43};
- SEE ALSO の二番目のファイル名 tclhpdfDestination <-- tclhpdfDescription -- &new{2021-03-04 (木) 11:29:17};
HTML convert time: 0.003 sec.